Shameless eavesdropping and ‘true Aboriginality’

‘Seeds – Women’s Business’, by Janet Nakamarra, from the Warlpiri Language Group near Willowra, in Central Australia.

I overheard a conversation today about people claiming to be Aboriginal ‘when they’re really not’. The core of the discussion was about a woman who, as an adult, discovered she was of Aboriginal heritage, and – according to the speaker – thereafter shamelessly pursued her Aboriginality in order to get benefits such as fast-tracked access to university & subsidized employment. This led to a more general discussion about preferential treatment of Aboriginal people and where taxpayers should draw the line – which was, apparently, at ‘true Aboriginality’. The group had the grace to acknowledge that they didn’t know what ‘true Aboriginality’ was (although black skin was part of it), but they were certain it wasn’t embodied by the (light-haired, blue-eyed, undeserving) woman under discussion. Continue reading